图片来源:Cobey Arner/Christopher Myers, "Feathers On The Waves"

For the average person, the idea of professionally singing classical music, such as 卡门是一个非凡的故事. The same idea holds true for being able to figure skate well. Combine the two and what exists is the audacious alchemy of 艾丽西娅·霍尔·莫兰 ’95. 

“I feel a sense of responsibility and excitement about keeping two trains running,这位女中音和花样滑冰运动员说. “If you’re a Black woman and you say that you sing, nobody’s shocked; there’s no resistance.“但是说你是一个黑人妇女 溜冰时唱歌很动听,人们会关注. 她的多层歌剧作品,比如《世界十大电子游戏平台》 怕冷的 和2018年的 《破冰之战:卡门战役, have left audiences and critics stunned, with Hall Moran said to bring “一种不同的运动能力" to a "音乐会舞台上的音乐幻想.”

3月16日和17日,在 年度冰展 of the nonprofit organization Figure Skating in Harlem — self-described as 唯一的组织 to combine education and figure skating for girls of color — Hall Moran will take center stage to sing a song from the musical 的奇才这与该剧以oz为中心的主题保持一致. 下个月, 在4月17日的晚会上, Figure Skating in Harlem will recognize Hall Moran for her work as a volunteer skating instructor. “It’s been transformational for me to make an alliance based on place with an organization that’s structured in a way where it matters that I show up as soon as I show up,”她说。. 


Hall Moran premiered her first skating show in 2016 at 国家锯末, 布鲁克林的一个女性领导的场所, but the world of cold-weather athletics — and the creation of unexpected ideas coming together — was al读y in her DNA. 她的父亲, who was born and raised in segregated Oklahoma City and who died last January, taught Hall Moran the art of cultivating as many different interests as possible in one lifetime, which he did as a young activist fighting for civil rights. 作为专业人士, he worked as an investment banker on Wall Street while honing a lifetime love for sailing and skiing.

“My skating, culturally, is in the lineage of that,霍尔·莫兰说, about her dad. “What do you do when you have earned your civil rights to enter a space?她的回答是:尽一切可能.



图片来源:Leanne Marshall Designs/Bryant Park

图片来源:Cobey Arner/Christopher Myers, 海浪上的羽毛 


图片来源:Hideki Aono/纽约冰剧院

自1995年从十大电竞游戏综合排名毕业以来, Hall Moran has shown how best to make use of her creative time: In 2012, 她在百老汇首次亮相,出演了托尼奖获奖剧目 格什温家的《波吉与贝斯》. She has collaborated with iconic visionaries, such as visual artist 凯莉·梅·威姆斯 和舞蹈指导 比尔T. 琼斯. She has paid homage to Detroit’s legendary record label with 摩城计划. And she has honored the people who have most inspired her with the indoor ice show 破冰,这是关于美国的.S.她是花样滑冰运动员 Debi Thomas’ rivalry with East Germany’s Katarina Witt, stemming from both performing to 卡门 at the 1988 Calgary Olympics, and 黑色华尔街, in recognition of her father’s work on Wall Street and the 1921年塔尔萨种族大屠杀, which resulted in the destruction of what was known as “黑色华尔街.”

“I’m always busy with something that is just unusual enough that if you don’t look closely at it, 你可能不知道该怎么处理它,霍尔·莫兰说. “A lot of my work looks ideologically explosive because I don’t trust that the doors are going to stay open. I don’t even trust that the lights are going to stay on the whole time I’m doing the thing.”

Much like skaters who seek out new challenges after mastering a triple axel or a tuck spin, Moran Hall weaves her musical and athletic talents together to expand her storytelling and her audience’s expectations.



花样滑冰和唱歌对霍尔·莫兰来说并不新鲜, 他们两者都做过, 尽管分开, 在斯坦福德的高中生活中, 康涅狄格. She was a member of an off-campus synchronized ice skating team and performed with her school’s advanced chamber ensemble, 韦斯特希尔室内歌手. 

在斯坦福德长大, 距离纽约市仅40英里, Hall Moran knew she wanted to major in music at Barnard — “the best school in 纽约市,她说,并申请了提前录取. 

“They said if you get a liberal arts degree, you're going to be okay. 如果你学会了写作, 读, 分析, 并讨论, 从这一点开始,你可以做好任何事情,她回忆道. 我相信了他们的话.” 

Choosing a form of vocal expression that required a lot of schooling suited Hall Moran, who earned two bachelor’s degrees: one in music from Barnard and another, 毕业后, in classical vocal performance from the Manhattan School of Music to better learn the basics of operatic repertoire and technique. 霍尔·莫兰的看法, Barnard validated her and gave her the forwardness that she has continued to cultivate since her time on campus, thanks to having been surrounded by focused women to whom she felt she never had to explain her boundary-breaking aspirations. 

世界十大电子游戏平台,没有人是孤傲的. There was no such thing,霍尔·莫兰说, who received the Distinguished Alumna Award in 2020. “I found there to be no performance of those traits of negative feminism. 聪明的女人从来没有以不好的方式影响过我的生活.” 

Anyone who gets to see Hall Moran perform should feel the impact of her two trains running. Whether she is performing off the ice — as she did in January at 伊丽莎白女王大厅 在美国.K. 或将于4月10日与 费城室内乐协会 — or performing on skates with a musical quartet backing her up, Hall Moran has places to go and audiences who can’t wait to see what’s next.

想知道霍尔·莫兰的下一个演出地点,去拜访她吧 网站 或者跟随她 Instagram.

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